Understanding Angiogenesis
The Angiogenic Process
Angiogenesis in Disease
Angiogenesis in Breast Cancer
Facts and Figures



Quick Study:
Cancer research focuses on starving tumors of their blood supply
From the Ovarian Cancer Research Notebook of the National Ovarian Cancer Association of Toronto, Canada. Of special interest in this article is the last section titled "Combined Approach."

Understanding Angiogenesis: A Key to New Cancer Treatments
From the Fall 1997 issue of the Progress Newsletter of the American Cancer Society.
In-depth Information:
Cancer Warrior
This is a Nova program offered in QuickTime and Real Video formats. The eight-chapter program covers Dr. Judah Folkman's revolutionary cancer research, the concept of starving cancer, angiogenesis, looking for inhibitors, experimental drugs and clinical trials.

Fighting Cancer by Attacking Its Blood Supply
This is an article dated September 1996 by Dr. Judah Folkman, from Scientific American.

Angiogenesis and Cancer Control: From Concept to Therapeutic Trial
This is a research paper published in 1999, by Steven Brem, M.D., of the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute. Comprehensive and detailed.

This is Special Project Angiogenesis, by the University of Brescia, Italy. Comprehensive and detailed.

Tumor angiogenesis: past, present and the near future
This is an article published March 2000 by Robert S. Kerbel in Carcinogenesis, Oxford University Press.